MediaPETS¡Disfruta de las mejores Imagenes y Videos de Perros y Gatos en PETSmania!

Videos de Mascotas (Perros o Gatos) en PETSmania

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Dueño sorprende a su perro con una piscina de bolasDueño sorprende a su perro con una piscina de bolas
14 BIGGEST Cats in the World14 BIGGEST Cats in the World
Blanco Ruso - RUSSIAN WHITE Cat Breed Facts And Personality Information You Didn´t KnowBlanco Ruso - RUSSIAN WHITE Cat Breed Facts And Personality Information You Didn´t Know
¿Qué hacen los perros solos?¿Qué hacen los perros solos?
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Sokoke - Sokoke kitten sleeping Sokoke - Sokoke kitten sleeping
15 unbelievable cute cross breed cats
Cats are amazingly cute creatures which have been living with people for more than 10 000 years.
Nowadays some of the breeds might cost you the price of a comfortable apartment and others might weigh more than average dog.
Even the most dedicated feline cats can’t know all the variety of cat species.
So we are going to inform you about the most unusual representatives of feline family.

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