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Videos de Mascotas (Perros o Gatos) en PETSmania

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Gato y Niko, un perro Staffordshire Bull Terrier juntosGato y Niko, un perro Staffordshire Bull Terrier juntos
Field Spaniel - Field Spaniel part 2Field Spaniel - Field Spaniel part 2
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Australian Mist - Cats 101- Australian Mist Australian Mist - Cats 101- Australian Mist
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Kerry Blue Terrier - Kerry Blue Terrier part 2Kerry Blue Terrier - Kerry Blue Terrier part 2
5 Razas de Gatos más Peligrosas del Mundo5 Razas de Gatos más Peligrosas del Mundo
Difference Between British Shorthair And Scottish Fold

It could be said that the British Shorthair Cat is as natural a breed as is possible today in that all registered breeds are now subject to human intervention.

The outstanding features are a quiet voice and a plush dense coat to combat the typical English weather and a semi-cobby body type. This is probably the most pleasurable of all purebred cats to stroke because of the feel of the coat! This breed has been described as the “teddy bear of the cat fancy”. 

Scottish Fold

This cat breed is another instance of a natural genetic mutation affecting a part of the cat’s body that has been seen by people as different and attractive. 

The greatest obstacle to making a success out of this breed of cat is the health issues associated with the genetic mutation that produces the folded ears. Some breeders say that Fold can be breed to Fold while others disagree.

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