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Aphrodite Giant Facts

View our Aphrodite Giant Facts video and find out everything you need to know in one Aphrodite Giant Facts video. A single video crammed full of facts on this cat breed.

The Aphrodite Giant cat breed is one of two naturally occurring breeds from Cyprus.Living in the Cypriot mountain regions and due to their large size, made hunting large prey easier for this breed.

The breed have long hind legs allowing them to climb steep slopes and generally to adapt to life in mountain regions.

The Aphrodite Giant is one of two naturally occurring breeds from Cyprus. Take three years to reach its full size.The breed comes in longhaired or shorthaired varieties.

Has developed a thick coat that helps them stay warm during the winter months.

An Aphrodite Giant comes with what can only be referred to as having striking appearance even kittens are huge.

Weight: Males 22 - 24 lb  and females 11 - 15 lb.

Cat size category: Large


All colours except lilac, fawn, cinnamon, mink, pointed, and chocolate.

(Solid and bi-colour cats are common)

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