Hall of Lords Cockers Americanos

Hall of Lords Cockers Americanos desde 1992http://www.halloflords.com.br/

Las Imagenes y Videos de nuestras Mascotas

Cocker Spaniel Americano


Cocker Spaniel Americano. Hall Of Lords Jam The Starlight.

Cocker Spaniel Americano. Hall Of Lords Jam The Starlight.

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Cocker Spaniel Americano.  Ch. Hall of Lords June Horizon. Cocker Spaniel Americano. Hall Of Lords Just A Private Dancer. Cocker Spaniel Americano. Hall Of Lords Jam The Starlight. Cocker Spaniel Americano.  Ch. Somerset´s Feel The Heat. Cocker Spaniel Americano.  Ch. Somerset´s Sweet Talkin´ Girl. Cocker Spaniel Americano.  Ch. Dharma´s Axel Starlight.


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